Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Passive voice 1

1.Mr T tells us to close our notebooks
We are told to close our notebooks
2.People speak English all over the world
English is spoken all over the world
3.Did anyone ask any questions about me?
Were any questions asked about me?
4.We have been waiting for him all day long
He has been being waited all day long
5.Mr Jack has invited you to lunch tomorrow
You have been invited to lunch tomorrow
6.The students did not do the English test easily
The English test was not done easily
7.You must check the answer before you give it back
The answer must be checked before you give it back
8.We are doing the passive test in the Multi Media Room
The passive test is being done in the Multi Media Room
9.Would you join the remedial test if you got bad mark again?
Would the remedial test be joined if you got bad mark again?
10. The white board has been cleaned by you
You have cleaned the whiteboard
11.The interview will be done in this room by us
We will do the interview in this room
12.English was being studied diligently by them last night
They were studying English diligently last night
13.This test must be finished in 45 minutes by the students
The students must finish the test in 45 minutes
14.We have been being taught math by Mr Sus for three years
Mr Sus has been teaching us math for three years
15.Will the coming UAN test be being faced by you in the month of April ?
Will you be facing the UAN test in the month of April ?
16. Mr Fajar is showing us his new blog
a. We are being shown his new blog
b. His new blog is being shown to us
16.They will be asking her several questions
a. She will be being asked several questions
b. Several questions will be being asked to her
17.Mrs Nanik has been reading them another story
a. They have been being read another story
b. Another story has been being read to them
19.Does he tell you the new law of Archimedes ?
a. Are you told the new law of Archimedes?
b. Is the new law of Archimedes told to you?
20.We should have given him our new projects before he came here
a. He should have been given our new project before he came here
b. Our new project should have been given to him before he came here

Cinderella ( remidial test )

Once upon a time, there was an unhappy girl who lived with her father, stepmother and two stepsisters. She was made to work (22) hard by day and slept on the cold floor near the fire by night and that is how she came to be known as Cinderella. One day an invitation (23) arrived inviting everyone to a grand ball held in honour of the prince. Every one leaving Cinderella behind, sad and alone.
Suddenly a fairy appeared. She dressed Cinderella in (24) beautiful gown, changed a pumkin into a coach, and mice into horses. So off went Cinderella to the palace. As soon as the prince saw her, he asked (25) her to dance and would dance with no other all night.
However, at midnight, Cinderella ran from the prince but she lost one of her shoes. The prince searched for the owner of the shoe. Finally, he found Cinderella and they lived happily ever after.

Pada zaman dahulu kala, ada seorang gadis yang tidak bahagia yang tinggal bersama ayahnya, ibu tiri, dan dua saudara tirinya. Dia dipaksa untuk bekerja sangat keras setiap hari dan tidur di lantai yang dingin dekat dengan perapian setiap malam dan inilah bagaimana dia dikenal sebagai Cinderella. Suatu hari sebuah undangan tiba. Undangan itu mengundang semua orang untuk mengikuti pesta dansa yang diselenggarakan oleh pangeran yang terhormat. Semuanya hadir meninggalkan Cinderella dalam keadaan sendiri dan sedih.
Tiba-tiba seorang peri muncul . Dia memakaikan Cinderella gaun yang indah, mengubah labu menjadi sebuah kereta dan tikus menjadi kuda. Lalu pergilah Cinderella ke istana. Segera setelah pangeran melihat Cinderella, pangeran memintanya untuk berdansa dan pangeran tidak akan berdansa dengan yang lain sepanjang malam.
Akan tetapi, pada tengah malam, Cinderella lari dari pangeran tetapi dia kehilangan satu dari pasangan sepatunya. Pangeran mencari pemilik dari sepatu itu. Akhirnya dia menemukan Cinderella dan mereka hidup bahagia selamanya.

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Human Reproduction system

Do you know about human reproduction system ? well, I will explain it.
An oocyte is fertilizable for up to 24 hours; sperm are viable within the female reproductive tract for up to 72 hours. Hundreds of sperm must release their acrosomal enzymes to break down the egg's corona radiata. Following sperm penetration, the secondary oocyte completes meiosis II. Then ovum and sperm nuclei fuse (fertilization), forming a zygote.

If fertilization occurs, embryonic development begins immediately. Cleavage, a rapid series of mitotic divisions without intervening growth, begins with the zygote and ends with a blastocyst.The embryo will becomes a baby.

Spermatogenesis (sperm production) begins at puberty in seminiferous tubules in response to FSH . Spermatogenesis involves meiosis, a special nuclear division that halves the chromosomal number in resulting spermatids. An additional process that strips excess cytoplasm from the spermatid, called spermiogenesis, is necessary for production of functional, motile sperm.
Oogenesis (production of female sex cells) occurs in ovarian follicles, which are activated at puberty by FSH and LH to mature and eject oocytes (ovulation) on a cyclic basis . The female egg (ovum) is formed only if sperm penetrates the secondary oocyte. In females, meiosis produces only one functional ovum (plus three nonfunctional polar bodies) as opposed to the four functional sperm per meiosis produced by males.
I think that's enough, you  have understand it so far. See you and good luck.